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What hashtag should you be using at Microsoft Inspire 2017?

Jon Rivers

It seems like we have become the “go to in the know” folks when it comes to what hashtags you should be using! Maybe that’s because every year we deliver an updated 50+ hashtags you should know blog post and people have become dependent on us to share the right hashtags with our constituencies.

Recently we were asked to confirm what the official hashtag is for the Microsoft Inspire Conference.

Well, we can tell you that it is NOT…. #Inspire2017 or #Inspire or #Inspire17 or even #MSInspire17

The official hashtag that you should be using is #MSInspire.

Another hashtag that is being used around the Inspire event is #new2inspire, which is focused on what we call the FTAs (First Time Attendees).

So, when you’re out there tweeting this year at Inspire make sure you’re in the know and using the right hashtag within your messages.

Which is?......... That’s right! #MSInspire

Bonus Hashtags:

#IAMCP – IAMCP (International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners)

#IAMCPWIT – IAMCP WIT (Women in Technology)

#MSPartner – Microsoft Partners

#HourofCode – Microsoft’s Hour of Code campaign which engages students around the world to drive better computer science education.

#P2P – Partner-to-Partner

#IOT – Internet of Things

#ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning

#CRM - Customer Relationship Management

#PowerBI – Microsoft PowerBI

#Azure – Microsoft Azure

#CortanaAnalytics – Microsoft Cortana Analytics

#SharePoint – SharePoint

#Windows10 – Microsoft Windows 10

#50Tips50Minutes - Tips focused on business growth and marketing techniques

Drop us an email to and we will be happy to add your hashtag suggestions to the bonus list.



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