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3 Easy Steps to Driving Massive Twitter Traffic

Jon Rivers

Channel Partners and MSP are challenged when it comes to driving Twitter Traffic. Learn three easy steps to drive more traffic with Twitter by getting the secret sauce.

What if I could share with you the secret sauce on a proven way to be a success on Twitter?

I am talking about growing your audience and gaining better traffic from the content you are building similar to famous social media influencers.

Are you interested in learning more?

The Marketing Monarchs team are huge believers that Twitter is one of the social media channels that channel partners need to be focused on within their social media strategies. Even in our case here at Marketing Monarchs, much of our traffic to our content is driven by our Twitter account.

Why does it work for us?

We can boil it down to three elements when it comes to our Twitter strategy:

  1. Continuing to show value through what and how we post

  2. Continuing to look at the growth

  3. Reviewing Analytics and adjusting as needed and continuing to do regularly

These elements are repeatable as we have proved that time after time with the clients we work with.

So what are your next steps to repeat this success?

Just continue reading and follow the steps we layout for you.

Show Value Through What and How You Post

When your blogs and other types of content like eBooks and videos, you produce to provide value, that will also show through when messaging appropriately on Twitter. Thus having these quality pieces of content is crucial to engage the audience. The more you share of this type of content, the more you will find that followers will love to engage and follow you on Twitter because you are giving them value. And if I was to be truly honest, many of you are probably not tweeting about the fantastic content you are producing. And I can tell you have evaluated 100’s of B2B companies and found many have blogs but are never ever promoting that content through their social media channels. What massive loss of opportunities for them.

With our clients, we like to mix into weekly messaging selected curated content to help get in front of a bigger audience and gain more followers because our clients become the domain/industry experts in their fields.

Also, look to find ways to drive conversations through your messaging. Research and discover what your audience wants to talk about outside of you sharing content. Your audience will appreciate that you are taking the time to interact and not just share.

When we are not running channel partner social media accounts for them, we are also training others on how to do all of this themselves.

Drive Growth

You might feel that you continue to tweet and tweet and only continue to see a few followers on your Twitter account. This why it is so essential that you have the right people following you. I mean that you need to have followers who see value in what you are sharing through the channel.

As you start to get the right followers following you, you will notice they will engage not only with your website by will also begin to either retweet or like, or comment on your posts. All of this helps spread your content further, and it enables you to build trust and credibility.

Another trick is bringing in guest influencers within your industry/domain to work on a guest blog with you. Once you have that, you can then promote that through Twitter and make sure you are tagging them and asking them also to help promote the article plus tagging you to help bring more attention to you.

The bottom line deliver great content that people want, and people will follow. But at the same time, look at being creative in finding additional ways to add more followers.

Reviewing Analytics and Adjust as Necessary

You may still have the perfect content to tweet, and you see growth with regards to followers, but you’re not happy still with results.

The first question I am going to ask is, what are you doing when it comes to reviewing your successes and failures.

I always recommend that on a monthly basis that you are gathering all the analytics and reviewing the results and, where necessary make adjustments because if you’re not, you’re not going continue to build your followers, continue to engage them, and ultimately your not going to get them to your website to nurture them to future customers.

In your analytics, you can understand if you’re using the right hashtags or not to engage the audience or if the CTA’s (Call to Actions) you are using are working or not. Even that a CTA worked six months ago doesn’t mean it will work today.

It’s a continual learning exercise as you look to find the best ways to engage and stay relevant.

But really, does this strategy work for another business?

When Marketing Monarchs tasked to help kick off a new virtual Leadership conference, we started from scratch with no followers and no engage so we had a lot of challenges to overcome.

So we utilized our strategy to grow their Twitter account, and in a very short amount of time, we were able to gain 100 followers who had never heard of the conference and, on top of that, we were able to drive 100K in impressions in the first month of working with them.

Are you able to do this?

100% yes, you can. As long as you have the content and follow these simple steps, you will start to see growth.

Twitter isn’t as complicated as you think, but you have to have a process, and you have to stick to it. What I mean is it’s not something you start for a couple of months and try and say it’s not working and give up. You have to work at it over a longer time, 6, 9, 12 months, and more because a couple of the elements you need to build are trust and credibility in what you are posting.

Are you ready?

Yes? Now going and implement.

Still not sure you can do this yourself, then reach out to me, and we can discuss some training or outsourcing your social media to Marketing Monarchs. You can either reach me on or +1 617 256 6178.

About the Author

Jon Rivers of Marketing Monarch Picture

Jon Rivers – Jon has been recognized as a pioneer within the partner channel as a digital marketing expert for his leadership in helping partners develop social brands, marketing strategies, and content to drive successful marketing campaigns.

Before starting Marketing Monarchs, Jon spent many years working in the Microsoft Dynamics ERP ecosystem system. Jon serves on various boards, including Directions North America, IAMCP (International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners), and CMA (Channel Marketing Alliance).

When Jon is not busy running Marketing Monarchs, you can find him Co-Hosting Leadership Goes Beyond, one of the fastest-growing virtual conferences for Leadership.



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