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  • Jon Rivers

The Facts About Resending an Email That Will Make You Think Again

Female business person reading email on computer screen at work on internet

You put in a lot of effort when it comes to email marketing.

You spend the time researching what you believe is the right content that your audience will engage with and then bang not even half or 25% of your subscribers give your email a chance. It's very disappointing and makes you second guess yourself and what you are doing.

Do you resend to those non-openers is the question?

Firstly don't feel bad and expect everyone that is on your email list to engage with your email. That even goes for your trusted and most engaged readers. People are not going to read everything you send.

So what should you do? Do you resend an email to the subscribe who didn't engage with your email the first time?

100%, YES, you do…

Historically you would have to run this process manually, but many email systems now allow you to automate the process. This will enable you to design a campaign that will carefully take advantage of your quality email list you have spent hours building to help you boost your open rate the second time you send.

What's the best process to resend to non-openers?

These following steps will walk you through the top tips on how to resend to those non-openers:

Be Smarter

It may seem stupid just to send the same email twice, but remember those contents never opened or viewed your content on the first email. They don't know what content is contained in the email and if it's the same.

Your content quality is still there, and all you need to do is encourage the subscribers to open it!


Even that your subscriber didn't open the first time around, they still know your email address. So sending too close to the first one can cause your email to end up in spam or even worse cause you complaints and unsubscribes which you don't need.

Give it say 4-5 days before you look to resend.

Be selective with your campaigns

Even that resending to non-openers is a useful option; it is not something that you want to be doing for every campaign, so be very selective with which campaigns you do this with.

A good example is if your business has a promotion, then you can email at the beginning and later a slightly edited version and send it on the day or the day before the promotion ends.

Be creative with our Subject Lines

The reason your email didn't get opened the first time around was because your subject didn't engage, so why use it again. Try reworking the subject line and sending that edited version to your non-openers.

To help you review previous email campaigns and see what campaigns drove better open rates and look to use those subject lines as starting points to helping create ones for your new campaign.

Why does resending to non-openers affect my business?

It allows you to drive home important messages without spending hours creating new campaigns to the non-openers. If your open rates are similar to the first round of emails for the resends, then you have almost doubled your open rate will little effort.

Try taking advantage of sending to non-openers to boost your open rates and profits.

About the Author

Jon Rivers – Jon has been recognized as a pioneer within the partner channel as a digital marketing expert for his leadership in helping partners develop social brands, marketing strategies, and content to drive successful marketing campaigns.

Before starting Marketing Monarchs, Jon spent many years working in the Microsoft Dynamics ERP ecosystem system. Jon serves on various boards, including Directions North America, IAMCP (International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners), and CMA (Channel Marketing Alliance).



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