Channel Partners not only need to make sure they have a lively LinkedIn Company page, but they need to have a Company Page, to begin with, and that is not necessarily the case for many in the channel. For B2B companies, LinkedIn can play a big part in the marketing and social media strategy when it comes to driving prospects and leads.
So, what happens when your LinkedIn Company Page isn't ranking or driving results as expected.
Easy - consider these suggestions to boost its visibility:
LinkedIn Search
Were you aware the LinkedIn has its own search algorithm? You got it, just like many search engines like Google, Bing, LinkedIn has an algorithm on determining how results appear for searchers.
Bottom line if people will not find you via LinkedIn search if you don't appear in the results.
The LinkedIn search takes control of the sidebar that pops up with related companies, people, and positions when you're looking at a page. Making sure you appear in the sidebar can be different from driving a ton of traffic or not to your LinkedIn Company Page.
But you're going to have to learn the tricks of how LinkedIn SEO works to make an appearance.
LinkedIn Search – How Does it Work?
Like Google and Bing, SEO is an essential reason why your company page will or will not appear in search results. But with LinkedIn and regular search engines, there are core differences.
The main difference is that LinkedIn search results are a single query and can be very different because they are tailored to individual users. So even that two individuals may search on the term "Channel Partner Marketing," they probably will end up with different results due to the previous searches and preferences on LinkedIn.
Overall, this might seem very annoying, but it's an opportunity for you to craft your company page and content to target your audience to drive more leads by getting in front of more leads.
LinkedIn SEO Tips
When it comes to SEO for search engines like Google and Bing, there are lots of different approaches you can take then the same can be true with LinkedIn SEO.
Now here are some LinkedIn SEO Tips that you can use to help you take your LinkedIn
Company Page to another level and enhance its searchability:
Start With Keywords
A key recommendation by LinkedIn is using keyword research and incorporating those chosen keywords into your Tagline and about section.
Below is an example of an enhanced tagline:
Now moving on to your LinkedIn about section, LinkedIn has these recommendations:
Vision: What Challenge are we looking to help create?
Mission: How are you going to help solve that challenge?
Values: Share more about yourself and how you work.
Positioning: How is your brand different?
Tagline: Our elevator pitch/brand summed up in 120 characters.
Products/Services: What can you provide to solve the challenge?
One thing you can't forget to do is to include your link to your website as well.
Based on LinkedIn's data, when companies complete their LinkedIn Company Pages, they see 30% more weekly views. So it's essential that you fully complete your profile.
If it helps you to work out what keywords to use, then research your competitors to see what they are saying.
Link to your LinkedIn Page from Company Website
Don't forget to make sure that you have added as you have with other social links your LinkedIn Company Page. By doing this, you will be giving more exposure to your LinkedIn Company Page and providing an easy opportunity for people to view the page.
Another gain you get from this is the LinkedIn search engine (and others like Google and Bing) will see more traffic and give you value for it.
Encourage Employee Pages are Updated
It may be challenging, but the gains are worth it. Having your employees updating their personal LinkedIn profiles to include their roles at the company with drive more overall awareness of the business and, of course, direct people to the LinkedIn Company Page.
Either way, employees should be loud and proud to talk about who they are working right as more the business is successful, then better is for them as well.
Share Plenty of Relevant Content
As with all SEO content plays a big part, and that doesn't change with LinkedIn either. The more active your LinkedIn Company Page is through original content (preferred to show your expertise) or sharing posts from your blog, for example, or other content, the better.
When your content is found, it also means that your company page is being seen as well. The more you can give the audience quality thought leadership content, the more likely you are going to gain more followers and even leads.
LinkedIn Company SEO Bad Practices
With the good comes the bad. Like SEO for conventional search engines, LinkedIn is no different you can't cheat the system, and if you do, you will pay for it in limited traffic to your company page.
Keyword Stuffing
Long gone are the days when keyword stuffing was acceptable. Basically, the term means you are placing keywords unnecessarily through your company page to try to get ranked higher on those specific terms.
Keyword stuffing doesn't help from a readability standpoint anyway, so it gives readers a terrible experience, and search engines are savvy intelligent enough these days to see that your keyword stuffing so they will provide you with penalties.
Now we are not saying keywords are not necessary. They are, but you need to include them correctly in a straightforward way into your LinkedIn Company Page various areas; about us, headline, and content, so the users get a positive experience when they visit your page.
Fake Profiles
A huge no-no is using LinkedIn profiles to create or to be used as advertisements for the company's products or services. LinkedIn Profiles are designed to develop connections and interact with those connections.
LinkedIn doesn't like this type of behavior and has been known to ban the profiles and even penalize the company page as well.
Example of a LinkedIn Company Page
If you need some extra visuals, then HubSpot does a great job of their LinkedIn Company Page.
We can see from HubSpot's overview that they are including some rich keywords within their first paragraph like "free CRM" and "growth platform".
We can also see that they are engaging the audience regularly with content.
Optimized LinkedIn Company Page – More Engagement and Leads
Making sure that you have an optimized LinkedIn Company Page that takes full advantage of SEO will bring amazing benefits to your business. It all plays a key role in the success of your company from content marketing, lead generation, and sales prospecting.