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The Edge 365

New Thinking that Drives Marketing Results

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Foolproof Way to Gain Better Insights from Links You Post in Social Media

Jon Rivers

A team of young business people working and communicating together in an office and discuss the insights gained from a recent social media marketing campaign.

You spend hours building out fantastic content and then pulling together your engaging social media posts.

But what insights are you tracking from your social media posts? You’re probably monitoring impressions, followers, likes, retweets, etc. Right!

These insights are all great, but are you…

  • Tracking where exactly your site traffic comes from?

  • Who the company that clicks your URLs you post?

  • Are you able to gain an understanding of what campaigns drive the most traffic?

What if we said you could easily collect this additional intelligence by simply using a tool called “Know Who It Is” by building custom trackable short URLs that can be added to your social media post and/or even your email marketing campaigns.

While you build your trackable shorten URLs, you can add Dynamic Parameters, which allow you to gain more even more insights to understanding who click these links.

The insights will help you understand information like who clicked your link, where they click your link, and what page(s) they click on your website after the initial click.

So no longer do you have to try and pack a long URL with additional parameters that typically become less clicked or shared.

In the example below, I show creating a link that I want to post to my social media channels LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram audiences.

The first option I select is the Dynamic radio button.

Because I have added my own parameters, I will now know when someone clicks this link. I will also know which social media the click came from, which allows me to measure the social media channel that is driving the most traffic for me.

And, because I have the system to notify me daily, I will be notified the Company Names of the people who click these links as well.

Click here to book a demo to see how “Know Who It Is” can help your company gain more valuable insights into who is clicking your social media posts and speed up the sales cycle. Or if you prefer you can call us at 617 256 6178 today!

About the Author

Jon Rivers – Jon has been recognized as a pioneer within the partner channel as a digital marketing expert for his leadership in helping partners develop social brands, marketing strategies, and content to drive successful marketing campaigns.

Before starting Marketing Monarchs, Jon spent many years working in the Microsoft Dynamics ERP ecosystem system. Jon serves on various boards, including Directions North America, IAMCP (International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners), and CMA (Channel Marketing Alliance).



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