Thanksgiving is creeping up on us fast! That means it's time for us business owners to make sure that give thanks to our fantastic customer, clients, employees, partners, and all who make us successful. As part of the holidays' preparations, you might want to think about pulling together a quick message to send to those who have impacted your business and give thanks and wish them a wonderful holiday.
Business Thanksgiving Messages
If you're unsure where to start, we have compiled a few examples to help you.
A Simple Thank You Goes a Million Miles
The wonderful part about Thanksgiving is it's the time to give gratitude. Sharing a thank you if that is to your customers or those behind your business scenes goes a long way. You can share that message through various methods, a social media message, email, or even a personal video message.
Sample Messages
Your messages could go something like this:
Thank you for your business this year. We've been honored to serve you!
We're thankful to all clients this year. Thank you for being part of the journey.
We have so much to be thankful for this year, most of all YOU!
It's the time of the year for sharing what you're thankful for. So thank you as we couldn't have done it without you.
Without you, we would be where we are. We genuinely appreciate you! Happy Thanksgiving
Offer Heartfelt Message That's Longer
With a longer message, you have the opportunity to share a different sentiment and really be about drive your point home. Longer messages also allow you to personalize more. The following samples are starting points that you can add your personal details to and make it stand out when sending to your customer or employees. Think about sharing these messages through emails and videos, to name a few.
Sample Messages
Dear valued customer, Thanksgiving is the time to give gratitude, so we want to share our genuine appreciation with you. Without you, our business would not be here today, so we're thankful for your support this year. We wish you a joyful holiday and look forward to continuing to serve you.
Dear [First Name], We are thankful for the opportunity to serve you this year. We're really enjoyed working with you and getting to know you and your business. Thank you for being an amazing and supportive customer. We highly value your relationship, and we look forward to continuing to work with you.
We are so thankful for having wonderful customers like you this Thanksgiving. All of us have enjoyed working with you this year, and we wanted to share our appreciation.
To our valuable Team Members, Words can not say how we feel, but we are so thankful for what you've done for the business this year. All of your hard work and all the challenges we have had thrown at us, thank you for helping us reach the goals we set out to achieve for 2020.
On this Thanksgiving, we want to share a sincere "thank you" to every team member. Thanks for making this a model workplace, and for all you do to keep our company moving forward. We've had a fantastic year, and you've been such a big part of it.
Happy Holiday Message to All
Sometimes the simpler the message, the better, "Happy Thanksgiving" goes further in the long run. When you take the option, you might want to consider finding a complimentary festive image or gif, or video. These messages are idea social media as they are short, and the visuals can be perfect. Another place to use these types of messages is in newsletters.
Sample Messages
Happy Thanksgiving! Have a wonderful day celebrating all there is to be thankful for.
Here's to another year of giving thanks for all of the wonderful blessings our team has experienced.
We wish you a happy and festive Thanksgiving with all your family and friends!
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous and gratitude-filled holiday joyful time!